Product Details for Material from FERROCORE - DLA2.2-N - Inductor: axial; 2.2uH; 630mA; 250mΩ; THT

DLA2.2-N FERROCORE Inductor: axial; 2.2uH; 630mA; 250mΩ; THT

Part Nnumber
Inductor: axial; 2.2uH; 630mA; 250mΩ; THT
Basic price
0,25 EUR

The product with part number DLA2.2-N (Inductor: axial; 2.2uH; 630mA; 250mΩ; THT) is from company FERROCORE and distributed with basic unit price 0,25 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 10 pc, Weight is 0.0002 Kg.

Inductor type axial Inductance 2.2µH Operating current 630mA Resistance 250mΩ Mounting THT Leads dimensions Ø3 x 8mm Dimensions see

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